Friday, November 6, 2009

Saving Money with Coupons!

I admit it.  I'm a couponer.  I love saving money.  I love watching the cashier's eyeballs pop out of their head when they tell me how much I have saved.  It is a rush that is hard to describe.

However, I will be the first to admit that it is difficult to save money on a lot of the "special" foods we eat.  Rice and dried beans ... o.k., those are cheap.  But when you try to buy baking products or convenience foods.... wowzers!  Last night I ran into a store to buy some rice milk and my favorite brand had a coupon attached to the front.  Boy howdy, did I buy the rice and almond milk.  I came home with a boatload and my #3 child danced a jig in the kitchen when I unloaded them!  (He really likes his rice milk.)  I started thinking about coupons for other allergy-friendly food items.....

Today my mission was to locate healthfood type coupons.  Coupons that are not so common.  I actually found some sites that specialize in this sort of thing!

So, dearies... have fun looking, printing and saving....

Healthy Savers offers different coupons for different stores.  You can register for your location.

Mambo sprouts usually has a booklet in some healthfood chains.  You can also sign up for their email and have things mailed to you. (They have a Glutino coupon right now!)  Look around on their site because they mail samples and have contests and give-a-ways.

Hain is the parent company that carries several of the brands of GF products we use.  They have a free bi-weekly newletter that you have to sign up for.  You get the inside track recipes, special offers and promotionals.

Apple and Eve

Applegate Farm Coupon

Arrowhead Mills Promo... get free kitchen tools when you save the UPCs from their boxes.

Sign up at Gluten Free choices and get a coupon...

$1.50 coupon at Eat Better, Live Better

Oooo... Barbara's Bakery stuff

Cherrybrook Farms sends out coupons too!

$1 off Dreamfield Pasta!

Food Should Taste Good Coupon (ahhh... sweet potato fries!)

Laura's Lean Beef

This one is not all organic/healthfood, but you can scroll down through the list to pick and choose specific coupons.

This list isn't all that's out there.  You may actually have great luck by emailing your favorite company and they will send you coupons for the products you use.

Have fun and remember every dollar adds up!

Cornbread Girl

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