Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gluten Free Birthday (Part 1)

It is that time again.  "What time??" you ask.  PARTY TIME!

Oh, yes... I probably don't have to explain to all your "allergy moms" out there how much of an issue it can be to deal with parties when your child has multiple food allergies.  We tend to take our own cupcakes and snacks whenever we go to someone else's party.  It is just easier and I assure the mom we are totaly used to doing this.  For our own parties... I have tended to have them at home where we could control all the food issues and still have fun. 

This year, however, we recently moved [read: there are still boxes in my house] and decided on a pool party at a local indoor pool.  The problem was that pizza came included in the package.  So I had to decide... Do I just nix the whole pizza idea?  Or do I serve the pizza to the other kids and bring allergy free pizza for my family??  We decided to go with the second idea.  [Something to do with one less thing for me to prepare.]

I'm going to share some of our favorite party food recipes over the next several posts.  Maybe it will help you not have to go through as much trail and error as we did on our journey.

Let's just start with the best stuff.....
The ICING (Oh yea!)
4 c. powdered sugar
1/2 c. real butter/ or spectrum butter
1/2 c. coconut "oil" [the consistency of shortening]
dash of salt (optional)
2 tbsp. rice milk/water
1 tsp. vanilla

This is a basic buttercream icing, but without the regular shortening (which is soy based).  Store bought icings always seem o have either soy or wheat starch in them.

Cream the coconut shortening and butter together.  Add in the vanilla.  then add in powdered sugar one cup at a time.  Add in milk as you go to keep the consistency right.  Add food coloring if needed and you can tollerate them.

You can make this ahead and store in an air tight container in the fridge. 

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