Friday, October 23, 2009

Help! My kid has multiple food allergies!

Well dearies... here it is. I finally have done it. I have gone and started a blog for those of use who live in the world of "let me check that label before you give it to my kid!". Maybe I should just say the world of "Please don't bother trying to feed us... we'll bring our own food!"

Unfortunately in the allergy world one does not simply have just one allergy. It would be far to easy to cope with one allergy! [sarcasm] One genetic "tendency" seems to link to other "tendencies" until all the "tendency" possibilities send moms like me into a hive induced itch thinking about it. Most people tend to have multiple allergies. Well, most people also tend to have multiple children also... with some of the same genetic "tendencies" I might add. Therefore, you end up having to deal with...

Little Johnnie can't eat eggs and wheat... Oh, Suzy can't have wheat and all gluten products... but wait Junior is sensitive to dairy... and on it goes.

How does one cook for a kid with multiple allergies?
How does one cook for a family with various allergies?
Will my kid starve before we figure out what food they can eat?
How can I cook for my whole family and not make separate meals for everyone?
Do I have to buy all those strange ingredients?
Will I ever be able to afford my grocery budget?

I have spent many hours typing or talking with other moms (and sometimes dads/grandparents) about our allergy experiences over the last decade plus, how we coped [are still coping] and things we learned to make life good for us. Many family and friends have suggested writing a book or teaching a class to share the information and encouragement that we have learned along the way.

Well, there is a book in the making and I shall keep you guys posted on the progress of that. But, here on the blog I would love to just share....
... recipes, information.... stories of other families and what they've learned...
... and encouragement!

So, sign up on the feed, follow on blogger, become a face book fan... and hold onto your hats dearies.... we are blogging baby!

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